Usage: bin/logstash [OPTIONS]Options: -n, NAME Specify the name of this logstash instance, if no value is given it will default to the current hostname. (default: "localhost") -f, --path.config CONFIG_PATH Load the logstash config from a specific file or directory. If a directory is given, all files in that directory will be concatenated in lexicographical order and then parsed as a single config file. You can also specify wildcards (globs) and any matched files will be loaded in the order described above. -e, --config.string CONFIG_STRING Use the given string as the configuration data. Same syntax as the config file. If no input is specified, then the following is used as the default input: "input { stdin { type => stdin } }" and if no output is specified, then the following is used as the default output: "output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }" If you wish to use both defaults, please use the empty string for the '-e' flag. (default: nil) --modules MODULES Load Logstash modules. Modules can be defined using multiple instances '--modules module1 --modules module2', or comma-separated syntax '--modules=module1,module2' Cannot be used in conjunction with '-e' or '-f' Use of '--modules' will override modules declared in the 'logstash.yml' file. -M, --modules.variable MODULES_VARIABLE Load variables for module template. Multiple instances of '-M' or '--modules.variable' are supported. Ignored if '--modules' flag is not used. Should be in the format of '-M "MODULE_NAME.var.PLUGIN_TYPE.PLUGIN_NAME.VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE"' as in '-M "example.var.filter.mutate.fieldname=fieldvalue"' --setup Load index template into Elasticsearch, and saved searches, index-pattern, visualizations, and dashboards into Kibana when running modules. (default: false) -w, --pipeline.workers COUNT Sets the number of pipeline workers to run. (default: 4) -b, --pipeline.batch.size SIZE Size of batches the pipeline is to work in. (default: 125) -u, --pipeline.batch.delay DELAY_IN_MS When creating pipeline batches, how long to wait while polling for the next event. (default: 5) --pipeline.unsafe_shutdown Force logstash to exit during shutdown even if there are still inflight events in memory. By default, logstash will refuse to quit until all received events have been pushed to the outputs. (default: false) PATH This should point to a writable directory. Logstash will use this directory whenever it needs to store data. Plugins will also have access to this path. (default: "/data/package/logstash/data") -p, --path.plugins PATH A path of where to find plugins. This flag can be given multiple times to include multiple paths. Plugins are expected to be in a specific directory hierarchy: 'PATH/logstash/TYPE/NAME.rb' where TYPE is 'inputs' 'filters', 'outputs' or 'codecs' and NAME is the name of the plugin. (default: []) -l, --path.logs PATH Write logstash internal logs to the given file. Without this flag, logstash will emit logs to standard output. (default: "/data/package/logstash/logs") --log.level LEVEL Set the log level for logstash. Possible values are: - fatal - error - warn - info - debug - trace (default: "info") --config.debug Print the compiled config ruby code out as a debug log (you must also have --log.level=debug enabled). WARNING: This will include any 'password' options passed to plugin configs as plaintext, and may result in plaintext passwords appearing in your logs! (default: false) -i, --interactive SHELL Drop to shell instead of running as normal. Valid shells are "irb" and "pry" -V, --version Emit the version of logstash and its friends, then exit. -t, --config.test_and_exit Check configuration for valid syntax and then exit. (default: false) -r, --config.reload.automatic Monitor configuration changes and reload whenever it is changed. NOTE: use SIGHUP to manually reload the config (default: false) --config.reload.interval RELOAD_INTERVAL How frequently to poll the configuration location for changes, in seconds. (default: 3) HTTP_HOST Web API binding host (default: "") --http.port HTTP_PORT Web API http port (default: 9600..9700) --log.format FORMAT Specify if Logstash should write its own logs in JSON form (one event per line) or in plain text (using Ruby's Object#inspect) (default: "plain") --path.settings SETTINGS_DIR Directory containing logstash.yml file. This can also be set through the LS_SETTINGS_DIR environment variable. (default: "/data/package/logstash/config") --verbose Set the log level to info. DEPRECATED: use --log.level=info instead. --debug Set the log level to debug. DEPRECATED: use --log.level=debug instead. --quiet Set the log level to info. DEPRECATED: use --log.level=quiet instead. -h, --help print help